Create Landing Pages from Perfit
under review
Agustina Manna
Would it be great if we could create landing pages, when are they going to add it to the platform? Thank you!
Diego Sanchez
under review
Barbara Booth
Hello! I would also like to be able to create landing pages, so that people can fill out the form there. It would be great! thanks
Alejandro Turdera
I think it would be great if they could offer a landing page creation service, as Mailchimp does, for example. Hopefully they can consider it. It would make a big difference. Thank you!
Diego Sanchez
Merged in a post:
Landing pages - Tunnel - RCM - Webbinar
Alejandro Sivina
It's the trend and the need for the style of these platforms and those of us who do digital marketing.
I think this is super important to integrate landing pages and Automation. Essential!!!
Alejandro Sivina
I ordered it 2 weeks ago, I think they lose market because they don't have it
Sebastián M. Funes Sobrero